Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The green movement is actually yellow.

I am all for a better environment, but these green people that think they are a movement are just cowards. Look at their stances, everything they advocate is readily available, and marginally more expensive than policies and procedures in use today.

Many of these ‘green’ websites advocate small changes to ones life to save money, and the world at the same time. Others recommend small changes that make life more convenient. So one can assume the biggest attraction to any change in life is a bigger pocket book or a generally simpler existence. On the apparent official site of the greens ( there are ten standards listed, each one more convoluted and broad than the previous.

1) Grassroots democracy. The idea is simple, make the local government work for you. Make the state government work for the local government, and the federal government work for the states. This was actually a large movement early in the history of these states united. Remember those guys? Here is a hint, they loved slavery, printed there own money, and spoke with a gentlemen’s drawl. Yes, the confederates, the southerners, the uneducated, the bigots, and the list goes on. However, I think it is mostly coincidental.
There is a point to all that though, decentralizing the government would disintegrate things like the EPA, Board of education, Civil rights, Labor unions, the Justice department etc. There are pessimists out there that would say good, and optimists that would say nothing that bad would happen. Let them dream, while us realists remember that where there is power there is money, and where there is money there is rich white men with big veiny dicks. While I don’t want to ruin your utopia before it starts, I don’t want to get slapped in the face with one of those things, again….

Democracy is a form of government, its goal is to govern => rule over you. The general idea is that you should not have that much power. For a simple reason too; the day you are born you are just as likely to be a child rapist as you are to be a rapped child, or a politician, or a union boss, or a crack head, or a doctor, or retarded. With all these potential crack head doctors and rapped politicians running around the governance of union bosses and retarded people might take a back burner to total chaos.

The more I think about it, the worse things get. There is a place called Africa, you may have heard of it. By all estimations they have very strong local governments, and very ineffective, corrupt, federal ones. They also have a political phenomenon called the warlord. A warlord is a well educated, somewhat inspiring, person that relates very well with working class people. These warlords are the ones that cause tribal distress, famine, epidemics, and other forms of African misery.

Did you notice I described me a little bit ago? Not the slavery loving counterfeiter with a cool accent, and a definite ‘no’ to the child rapist, but the warlord thing. I seriously think the only thing stopping me from being a warlord is my inability to secure a large amount of automatic weapons, a semi-used blood bank, and water purification system (and I work for the government). As it turns out the only thing stopping me from getting those things is an effective green party. Thanks green party, for being as ineffective as you are cowardly.

(See, everything that is yellow is a coward)

(writers note: I originally meant to make 10 points about how the green party is ridiculous, but I got side tracked in something that was more fun. Thanks for sharing the ride, tune in for more.)